On A Personal Note
Over the years many people have asked me why I have chosen this kind of wor ... [read more]
June 12, 2019
April 11, 2019
“Oxidative stress reflects an imbalance between the systemic manifestations of reactive oxygen species( ROS) and a biological system’s ability to readily detoxify the reactive intermediates or to repair the resulting damage.”
Disturbances in the normal redox state of cells can cause toxic effects through the production of peroxides and free radicals that damage all components of the cell, including proteins, lipids and DNA.
Oxidative stress from oxidative metabolism causes base damage, as well as strand breaks in DNA. Base damage is mostly indirect and caused by the Reactive Oxygen Species ( ROS ) generated, such as o2-( superoxide radical) and OH( hydroxyl radicals).
Furthermore, some reactive oxidative species act as cellular messengers in redox signalling. Thus, oxidative stress can cause disruptions in normal mechanisms of cellular signalling.
In a healthy aerobic organism, a balance between the reactive oxygen species( ROS ) is produced and the biological systems ability to protect cells from ROS exists. Ascendancy of the ROS production or the reduction of the systems ability to detoxify, results in defects that may cause cell or organism damage or death.
This imbalance is called and referred to as : OXIDATIVE STRESS.
The generation of ROS arises by many mechanisms in an organism even under normal physiological conditions.
ROS can also play a positive role in the organism, especially in the phagocytic activity of neutrophilsand macrophages.
Upon stimulation, these cells increase O2 consumption up to 20x resting levels which is referred to as a “ Respiratory Burst”.( Immune response ) Processes which produce oxidative stress in aquatic organisms and mammals are similar. Many xenobiotics, such as pesticides, can induce the production of reactive oxygen species by several biochemical mechanisms such as the impairment of membrane-bound electron transport and subsequent accumulation of reduced intermediates, inactivation of antioxidant enzymes, and the depletion of free radical scavengers.
ROS, Free Radicals and ultimately ,Oxidative Stress, are all linked to and often considered the primary cause of a whole multitude of conditions, degenerative diseases, ailments, growth rates, yield potential, the aging process and affects virtually all life on earth.
The pharmaceutical industry has been trying for decades to find and develop an antioxidant that will address the need of the body to control the damaging effects of oxidative stress and neutralize this known, proven and scientifically accepted fundamental of life.
Hydrogen is the lightest and simplest element with the symbol “H”.
It consists of only one electron and one proton, but under normal conditions it exists primarily in itsdiatomic form… MOLECULAR HYDROGEN (H2 gas).
In other words, two hydrogen atoms(H) are covalently bonded ( a type of chemical bond ) together as H-H.
As there are two Hydrogen atoms, we call this diatomic Hydrogen or molecular Hydrogen. The Hydrogen molecule contains two protons and two electrons making it a neutrally charged molecule. It is this form of Hydrogen that has been shown to exert the wide range of antioxidant, anti- inflammatory, anti-allergic and anti-apoptotic ( or ant-cell death ) effects that scientists and biologists are now referring to as proven.
Molecular Hydrogen is the smallest molecule in the universe and this extremely small size and its high lipid solubility, allows it to easily diffuse into the subcellular compartments of the mitochondria which is the engine room of a cell and other locations throughout the entire body.
This means that it is able to scavenge oxygen radicals which are toxic to cells, and therefore protect the DNA and RNA ( essential in coding, decoding and regulation of genes) and proteins from oxidative stress, a key in the initiation and advancement of disease.
For a number of years now research into the effect Molecular Hydrogen has on Oxidative stress has increased dramatically. This is due to the fact that scientists have been able to identify the significant benefits that Hydrogen may have on the general health of all living things as well as fighting disease.
This is currently the leading edge of a new understanding in biology and, there is more to come in
the years ahead.
Hydrogen is a fundamental element and crucial in the production of energy, cleaning up of the radicals produced during the production of energy and ultimately in life itself as a healthy complete organism.
About 62% of all the atoms in most animal species are Hydrogen atoms with another 24% Oxygen. This oxygen is readily available through the air we breathe however, hydrogen is not so easily accessed and generally needs to be produced by the organism itself…. Which could be a challenge at the best of times!
The system needs to be able to provide an adequate volume of Hydrogen to keep the oxidative/reductive balance in check. As a body ages, its ability to produce and harvest enough Hydrogen to control the effects of oxidative stress diminishes which may result in the onset of degenerative disease and ailments.
Molecular Hydrogen supplementation is simply providing the living organism access to the very atoms that allow it to exist in the first place.
Hydrogen has been referred to as the key to all living things and in its atomic form, it is the most pure, natural supplement known to science. It has been shown to selectively scavenge and neutralize the highly reactive and toxic radicals in the system while allowing the positive roles of ROS to continue unhindered.
Over the years many people have asked me why I have chosen this kind of wor ... [read more]
June 12, 2019
DID YOU KNOW? The important task of Oxygen: The air that we inhale i ... [read more]
June 12, 2019
Thank you for considering visiting the Sunflower Clinic. Let me expl ... [read more]
June 12, 2019